Uninstalling SafeCentral for Windows

Uninstalling SafeCentral for Windows

The following steps will help you uninstall SafeCentral for Windows.

  1. Go to Uninstall a Program in Programs and Features/ For Windows 10+ go to Settings then Apps -> Installed apps.
  2. Select SafeCentral for AOL and click Uninstall/ For Windows 10+ select the three dots then Uninstall:

  3. Click Uninstall:

  4. If a User Account Control (UAC) prompt appears, click Yes:

  5. Click OK to confirm uninstall:

  6. Click OK to close and uninstall if needed:

  7. SafeCentral is now uninstalled.

Note: this additional information for the older verions of SafeCentral:

The following steps will help you uninstall SafeCentral for Windows 10.
  1. In the apps menu, select SafeCentral and click Uninstall:

  2. When presented with the User Account Control (UAC) Dialog, select Yes to continue:

  3. Click Uninstall:

  4. SafeCentral will start uninstalling:

  5. SafeCentral is now uninstalled. Click Finish to exit the wizard.

The following steps will help you uninstall SafeCentral for older versions of Windows.
  1. Go to Uninstall a Program in Programs and Features.
  2. Select SafeCentral and click Next:

  3. Click Uninstall:

  4. SafeCentral will begin uninstalling:

  5. Select restart now or restart later then click Finish to exit the wizard: